Established in 2012
Delft Road Safety Courses (DRSC) is a Netherlands-based NGO (Stichting) offering road safety leadership training and capacity development for professionals in low and middle income countries.
Safer mobility in low and middle-income countries through high level capacity development.
Delft Road Safety Courses is organized in partnership with the FIA Foundation, the programme’s core donor since 2015. The FIA Foundation supports an international programme of activities using the ‘Vision Zero’ approach by supporting partners to implement effective, scalable solutions to advocate for greater investment and policy change for safer roads.

Photo: Non-motorized transport corridor, Kampala, Uganda
Our Mission
DRSC supports the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Plan of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries by 50% by 2030.
We focus our work on low and middle income countries, which account for more than 90% of all road traffic deaths.
Not only does this cause substantial pain and grief for individuals, families, and communities, but high road casualty rates also have significant social, economic and environmental costs.
Building safe and sustainable transport systems has been proven to improve economic development, access to education, gender equality, health and wellbeing, as well as mitigating the impacts of climate change.
Our Vision
To nurture professional capacity in low and middle income countries to support the development and implementation of evidence-based road safety strategies and action plans that are relevant to each country’s unique local context.
Our Approach
Our courses focus on the core principles of the Safe System Approach and how this can be tailored according to local need. Participants are encouraged to think critically and use their own experiences in group discussions and peer learning.
Our Goal
We strive to develop and enhance participants’ road safety research skills and empower them in contributing to structures that support the organization and governance of road safety management in their countries.
Our Network
Through our vibrant alumni network, we provide opportunities for research, cross-border networking and knowledge sharing for ongoing capacity development of participants, their organizations, and their countries.
DRSC started as a collaboration between Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), SWOV (the Netherlands institute for traffic safety scientific research), the Post Academic Education Foundation, and the Road Safety for All Foundation.
With support from the FIA Foundation and Sensys Gatso, DRSC organised it’s first annual road safety course.
With support of the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility, DRSC began organising annual tailor-made training courses in Brazil, Cambodia, and Ghana.
The FIA Foundation became DRSC’s core donor, supporting the annual course for road safety professionals from low and middle income countries.
DRSC is officially registered as a ‘Stichting’ according to Dutch Law, becoming a Netherlands-based NGO.
2020 onwards
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, DRSC began offering more online learning. Today, in addition to our core course, DRSC offers continuous learning and capacity development opportunities for our alumni through online webinars and discussion forums.
DRSC Board
Support DRSC
With 90% of global road casualties occurring in low and middle income countries, investing in local capacity development is essential to making roads safe and healthy for everyone.
As an NGO, DRSC relies on the kind support of sponsors and donors to run our courses and offer scholarships to participants who are in need of added support.
We welcome all contributions and offers of support that will help us continue with this work.
As a guide (prices are approximates):
- €3,500 covers the cost of an individual scholarship for the annual Delft Road Safety Course.
- €15,000 covers the cost of an online webinar series.
- €30,000 covers the cost of a tailor-made regional/in-country course.
If you would like to contribute, or for more information on supporting DRSC, please contact our Director, Teije Gorris, tgorris@delftroadsafetycourses.org